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Church of the Holy Ghost

A Roman Catholic Community of Faith

Mass Times & Confession Parish Registration Lent 101 - Click here to learn all about Lent! Download the CCW Spring Flower Order Form

What you need to know.....

Please see the letter on the right from Bishop Dennis Spies welcoming Fr. Tom Bernas as Holy Ghost's Interim Administrator.  Fr. Marek's time at Holy Ghost has concluded as he recovers from his illness.

It seems that there was a problem with the mailing of the bi-monthly contribution envelopes for March and April. For some reason some of our parishioners did not receive their envelopes. If you have not received your envelopes for March and April, please call the parish office and we will be glad to have another set sent out to you. It takes about 10 days to receive your new envelopes.  Sorry for any inconvenience, and as always, thank you for your support and patience.

Church Directories are available for pick up from the Church Office from 8 AM -3 PM Monday - Thursday.  Please remember the Church Office is closed on Friday and only those parishioners who had their pictures taken are entitled to a free directory.

Stations of the Cross on Fridays during Lent

6 PM in English

7 PM in Polish

Please join us!

Pilgrims of Hope – Lenten Food Drive March 5 – April 13

Please help to assist the Wood Dale Food Pantry. Place your donation, each weekend, in the sanctuary, around the altar as a physical sign that our parish is committed to making a difference in the lives of those in need in our community. Also, please pray for the families that will receive your items. 

Our Location


Church of the Holy Ghost is a Roman Catholic Community of Faith located about 25 miles west of Chicago, IL and about 5 miles from O'Hare Airport. We welcome all existing Parishioners, Newcomers, and visitors as well, to Holy Ghost Church and our Web Site. We hope you will enjoy exploring " All About Holy Ghost" as well as participating in our Liturgies. Our Mission is to be a welcoming community that encounters Christ and leads others to Him through prayer, the sacraments, and charitable service.

Our Church is Fully ADA Accessible.

                Jubilee 2025

2025 is the Jubilee Holy Year, the 2,025th anniversary of the Incarnation of our Lord, an "event of great spiritual, ecclesial, and social significance in the life of the church."  The concept of "Jubilee" has its origins in the Book of Leviticus as a special year of reconciliation, pilgrimage, and a coming home. Pope Francis has designated the Church in which she celebrates the year of messianic favor inaugurated by Christ through his Incarnation and Paschal Mystery. Proclaimed every 25 years since the 13th century, the celebration of jubilee years typically includes pilgrim, processions, celebrations of Mass, and an invitation to the Sacrament of Reconciliation. These celebrations are opportunities to receive the Lord's mercy. The theme for this Jubilee is Pilgrims of Hope.

The Holy Door- The Lord Jesus is the door of our salvation, a fact which is symbolized through the spiritual practice of passing through specially designated doors of various churches. The Ordinary Jubilee began with the opening of the Holy Door at St. Peter's Basilica on December 24, 2024. This door is also called the "Door of the Great Pardon". Its panels portray scenes of man's sin and his redemption through God's mercy.

Parish Events
& Activities

Click the button to sign up for Parish events and activities.


Click the red hearted hands for online giving.


Click the blue box to learn more about our myParish App and how to download it.



Click on the calendar for a list of Parish events and activities.

Welcome to

Church of the Holy Ghost

Mission Statement

We, the members of Holy Ghost Parish, are one body of Roman Catholic people with diverse gifts and blessings, who share responsibility for the transformation of ourselves and our world according to the teachings and example of Jesus Christ. Fed by the Holy Spirit, we nurture our faith through private prayer, sacraments and liturgy, through lifelong learning and teaching of gospel values, and through love and support of each other. Empowered by the same Spirit, we live our faith in action through ministries of service, social justice, evangelization and witness, because all people are called to one and the same goal:
 unity with God, now and forever. Amen.

Parish Events

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